Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Hope’s Door acknowledges that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection. Along with providing abortion-minded parents with alternative life-affirming options, we offer support for parents and families. We believe in the sanctity of the family unit as God designed and defined in scripture. Our ministry offers compassion, hope, and help to mothers and fathers through Christ-centered support, collaborating with our life-giving network of resources, churches, organizations, and individuals.

We are Hope's Door, a nonprofit Pregnancy and Family Resource Center. We have a mission and vision that acknowledges every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection. Along with providing abortion-minded parents with alternative life-affirming options, we will offer on-site services that support parents and their families with the goal of bringing/restoring wholeness to their lives. Hope's Door will also assist by providing a collaborative network of resources, including churches, organizations, and individuals.

Our facility will be the first of its kind in the area to provide limited medical services. Those services will include pregnancy testing and free limited ultrasound exams. Statistically, women considering abortion who had an ultrasound decide to have their babies 87% of the time. If the baby's father is present, the rate increases to 94%.

We have recognized these needs in our community: the need to provide hope for women, men, and families who find themselves in confusing and scary situations often perceived as hopeless. The recognition of our community's needs resulted from state and local statistics. In Wisconsin last year 6,472 abortions were performed, along with 12,175 in Minnesota. Between LaCrosse, Houston, and Winona counties, 103 abortions were performed. This challenge is coupled with another disturbing trend: single-parent, fatherless homes. Of the homes in LaCrosse County, 29% are single-parent homes, and nationally 1 in 4 children live in a household without a father figure. The people represented in these ill-fated statistics motivated us to create a facility that aims to preserve life and family.

Achieving this essential mission will require a building with specific qualities and appeal. Ideally, this building will have a particular aesthetic value, a private entrance, and an easy to-find location. We continue looking for a building to meet our needs, which can house both the medical and Family Resource Center. The private entrance to the medical clinic would accommodate those moms and/or dads who need reassurance of their privacy while they work through their confusion over an unexpected pregnancy. The resource center will provide parenting and family wellness classes, mentoring sessions for both mothers and fathers, faith-building classes, and a clothing boutique for children.

There are so many ways you can be involved in our mission.